The 8 foods everyone over 40 should eat: Tomatoes, cherries and oats - the diet essentials for the 40-plus club
PUBLISHED: 21:00 GMT, 27 October 2012 | UPDATED: 23:10 GMT, 27 October 2012
We can afford to be a little cavalier with our diets when we are young. But once we reach 40 – as Hollywood actor Jude Law will later this year – the way our bodies cope with everything we eat begins to change.
Studies suggest that the amount of energy burnt while resting begins to drop by the age of 30, and by a further seven per cent with every subsequent decade, so if you continue eating as you did in your 20s, you’ll start putting on weight.
From our fourth decade onwards, the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes becomes a concern – lead an unhealthy lifestyle and your cholesterol levels and blood pressure will rise. The good news is there are foods proven to fight these concerns. Here are the items I would advise everyone over 40 to stock up on.
當我們年輕的時候,我們可以承受對於自身飲食上的小小傲慢,但是當我們年近40的時候--如同今年要加入40俱樂部的好萊塢男星裘德洛(Jude Law)--我們的身體對於所有吃下去的東西的處理方式開始有了改變。
Top grain: Oats help reduce cholesterol
WHY? Oats contain beta-glucans, a soluble fibre that can help lower the unwanted form of cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Avenanthramides – antioxidants unique to oats – protect against atherosclerosis (the build-up of plaque on artery walls), so giving oats an advantage over other grains.
THE EVIDENCE: Researchers conclude that eating just 3g of oats daily is enough to reduce total cholesterol by five to ten per cent.
It is estimated that the risk of developing heart disease drops by two per cent for every one per cent reduction in total cholesterol.
This is a must for the 50-plus group, as it is in this decade that heart-disease risk shoots up.
HOW TO EAT: Either as porridge or by adding a heaped tablespoon to plain yogurt.
Wonder foods: Almonds could help stave off diabetes and cherries help combat gout and arthritis
WHY? Cherries are useful in combating several conditions common in middle age, including gout and arthritis. They are a rich source of the antioxidant anthocyanin.
THE EVIDENCE: Gout, which affects mainly men, is linked to raised levels of uric acid, forming crystals within the small joints. In a trial, researchers gave healthy participants 200g of cherries at breakfast. They noted that the rate at which uric acid was excreted increased by 60 per cent.
HOW TO EAT: Eat a dozen cherries or drink a glass of unsweetened juice three or four times a week. Eat fresh with yogurt or seeds to ensure absorption of the beneficial vitamins.
WHY? Benefits range from improved blood-sugar levels to reducing cholesterol.
THE EVIDENCE: A study revealed that 20 adults eating 60g of almonds daily for four weeks showed a nine per cent reduction in blood-sugar, suggesting almonds could offer protection against cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Another study took 22 adults and replaced about a third of their usual sources of fat with almonds. After six weeks they noted a six per cent reduction in ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, while their ‘good’ HDL cholesterol increased by six per cent.
HOW TO EAT: Choose plain varieties as excess salt can lead to raised blood pressure.
Omega 3: Herring, salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines are recommended sources of Omega 3
Omega 3:鯡魚、鮭魚、鯖魚、鮪魚和沙丁魚是推薦攝取Omega 3的來源。
WHY? Omega 3 fats in these fish can help lower heart rate and blood pressure, and reduce the risk of irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia).
THE EVIDENCE: The best sources of omega 3 fats are salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines and herring. A trial found that women who ate oily fish on a regular basis experienced the lowest incidence of strokes. Fish must be eaten at least four times a week for optimal benefits.
HOW TO EAT: Omega 3 fats are sensitive to high temperatures, so cook on a low heat or steam lightly. Eating raw fish such as sashimi will protect the beneficial fats.
原因:這些魚類所含的Omega 3脂肪能減緩心跳速度與血壓,並且能降低心跳不正常(心律不整)。
證據:Omega 3脂質的最佳來源是鮭魚、鯖魚、鮪魚、沙丁魚和鯡魚。實驗發現,每天規律攝取定量富含脂肪魚類的女性,發生中風的機率是最低的。魚肉的攝取次數必須達到每周四次,才能獲得最適益的好處。
如何攝取:Omega 3脂質對於高溫非常敏感,所以用小火烹煮或稍微蒸過。直接吃生魚肉,如同日式生魚片能保護有益的脂質。
WHY? Isoflavones in soy beans have been linked to lowering cholesterol, increasing bone density in post-menopausal women and improving male fertility.
THE EVIDENCE: In a study, 42 post-menopausal women over the age of 50 were given three 30g servings of soy beans daily.After 12 weeks it was noted that high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good type of cholesterol, had increased by 3.7 per cent while total cholesterol had reduced by 5.5 per cent.
Levels of the protein osteocalcin also increased in the blood, benefiting bone density.
HOW TO EAT: Consume fresh edamame beans or soy beans in cans.
They should be eaten twice or three times a week.Soy can influence hormone levels and over-consumption is not recommended for pre-menopausal women without the advice of an endocrinologist.
In men, the isoflavones can have a mild effect on testosterone.
WHY? Tomatoes are an excellent source of the antioxidant lycopene. They offer a degree of protection against the formation and spread of cancer cells as well as protecting arteries from atherosclerosis.
THE EVIDENCE: Research has shown that drinking 150ml of tomato juice after 20 minutes of exercise offers protection against prostate, lung and stomach cancers and heart disease.
HOW TO EAT: Lycopene is more easily absorbed by the body when the sources are cooked, so cooked tomato, in its many forms, is the most convenient way to benefit from lycopene. Look for juice, passata, puree or sauce (fresh, not sweetened).
Stay lean: Both milk and chicken help maintain muscle mass and help maintain a healthy weight
WHY? Full-fat milk can help combat the reduction in muscle mass associated with getting older, especially after the age of 50.
THE EVIDENCE: A 2006 study found that drinking full-fat milk after exercise helped ensure that muscle mass was enhanced.
Whole milk contains 118mg of calcium per 100ml, which is essential for bone health as well as assisting blood-clotting.
The daily recommended intake of calcium is about 1,000mg for men and 1,200mg for women. Eating green vegetables, nuts and seeds in addition to whole milk is an effective way to achieve this.
HOW TO EAT: Whole milk can be added to porridge, cereals, tea, coffee and smoothies. Get professional advice before taking a calcium supplement – for example, taking too much can increase prostate cancer risk in men.
WHY? This is a great source of protein – one 200g skinless breast provides 60g. Helps contribute to effective weight-management and muscle-building.
THE EVIDENCE: A study in 2010 revealed that a ‘moderate increase in protein’ resulted in maintenance of weight loss compared with higher-carbohydrate diets.
Chicken soup might also be able to combat the common cold. As a skinless chicken breast contains only 1g of saturated fat, it is a useful alternative to red meat.
HOW TO EAT: Cut the fat content by removing the skin (breast is 17 per cent fat with skin on, and about two per cent without). The leg, even with the skin off, contains six per cent fat.
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